Colorado Door Restore was started in January 2013. Over the 10+ years, we have restored countless front doors and entryways. We take sad doors and make them happy again. We use quality, oil based products that can stand up to our unique climate. 300 days of sun with 4 distinct seasons at a mile high.

Hello, my name is Nicholas Baudhuin, owner of Colorado Door Restore. I came up with the idea while attending University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee for a business degree. I worked as a painter in the summer months, eventually running an award winning franchise, my senior year. There are a lot of historic homes on the east side of Milwaukee. We'd paint there house beautifully, but there stained doors still looked worn. What to do?! Restore their door! I graduated with a bachelor's in Marketing in 2006, and went to conquer the corporate world.

Initially, I was recruited by Lowe's, as a Shipping Manager, at their Distribution Center in Cheyenne, WY. They relocated me to Fort Collins for summer training, and I fell in love with Colorado. I found a great starter apartment that shared a wall with my future wife, Stephanie. I left Lowe's, went to work at a Coors distributor and Wells Fargo, but couldn't find my calling in the corporate world. What to do?! Restore Doors!

In the fall of 2012 the fuse was lit. I wanted to be my own boss and work with my hands. We became Colorado Door Restore, LLC in January 2013, and the ball was rolling. I've learned a lot in the past ten years and I am still learning. Hanging door knockers and doing home shows, we were able to build the business. We've stayed in business by consistently doing top of the line work. Furniture grade restoration.

We use top of the line tools and the same goes for our finishes. Our house varnish, is a linseed and tung oil varnish we get from France and is made for wood boats. We do 6+ coats because the first 2-3 soak in completely. It's bringing the wood back to life. We use both Minwax and Old Masters oil based stains that penetrate the wood, accentuating the grain.

I like to build good relationships with my customers. To keep the door or entryways looking like new, they need to be maintained. You invest in your home when we come out and Restore Your Entryway. It's a labor intensive process that when done right can be maintained for a fraction of the price. This should be done every 2-4 years depending on exposure. That means every customer should be a repeat customer.

Please contact me to discuss your project. You can also check out our entire 10-year portfolio with the Facebook link. Whether it's a historic door or a large modern entryway with everything in between.

We'd like to work with you and Restore Your Home's Smile!

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